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πŸ“¦ Data Storage ​

Data recording and storage are critical functions of an experiment that enables analysis. When a user participates in an experiment we would like a centralized place to organize the data from each participant. We would like this storage system to be secure, robust, scalable, and fault tolerant.

Depending on your experiment design you may need to develop custom data storage code (e.g., real-time multiplayer games). But in most cases that cover "experimental cognitive science on individuals", 🫠 Smile provides a robust solution that requires little to no configuration or code. Dealing with data is so important, it isn't something you should even have to think about!

This document describes the basics of 🫠 Smile data storage including how to configure the system, how to use the data storage techniques manually in your code, the overall logic behind how it works, and how to set it up for a new lab.

Getting started quickly ​

If you start your project using the 🫠 Smile Github template, and are in the gureckislab and follow the starting a new project guide then there's nothing else for you to do. Your application already has the ability to save data to a password protected lab database and will begin saving the data from your experiment as participants progress through your task!

As a result, you can jump immediately to either:

In addition to these sections, the rest of the document includes an in-depth guide to understanding how data is managed in 🫠 Smile, how to customize aspects of the data processing system, and how to set up a new system for a new lab.

Accessing the data from your experiments ​

It may be weird to start first with how to access your data rather than discussing how to save it but it turns out the default 🫠 Smile configuration takes you pretty far to begin with on the saving side with no configuration, so we can start with accessing the saved data. There are two ways to monitor your data and export it for later analysis: the 🫠 Smile command line tool and the Firebase console.

Exporting data using the command line tool ​

When you are ready to export your data for analysis you can use the

🫠 Smile command line tool. Simply run:
npm run getdata

in a terminal from the root directory of your project and an interactive script will guide you through the options of downloading different subsets of data. Data is typically output as a .json file in the data/ folder but is something configured via the interactive prompts. From here you can begin data analysis.

Viewing data in the Firebase console ​

Data from your experiment is stored, long-term, in a Google Firestore database. You can read more of the details about this below. However, in terms of looking at this data and monitoring it during development, Google provides a web-based console that allows you to view the data from your experiment in real-time. To access the console, you first need permission to access your project/labs Firestore from your Google Account. Once you are added to the project go to and you should see something similar to this:

Firebase projects

Here there is one project named smile-db-test and yours might be different. Whatever it is, click the project name and you will be presented with a project overview looking similar to this:

Firebase project overview

Next, click the "Firestore Database" on the left-hand menu under "Project Shortcuts" and you will get the interface to the database:

Firebase project overview

This is a live view of the database that updates automatically as new data comes in. Data is organized into documents and collections which act similar to folders and files on your computer. At the top (root) level of a 🫠 Smile project is two collections called real and testing. The testing collection is where data goes anytime you are running your experiment in development mode. The real collection is where data goes anytime you are running your experiment on a live deployment.

Under the top level collection is a list of documents, one for each experiment in the lab. The names of these documents reflect the ${VITE_GIT_OWNER}-${VITE_GIT_REPO_NAME}-${VITE-GIT-BRANCH} for your project. Refer to the documentation on organizing versions of your experiment for more information. Suffice to say that this is automatically configured and places your data into "folders" based on the current branch of your code in which you are working or deployed.

Within each folder is a new collection called data which contains records for each participant who started your experiment. It looks like this:

Firebase data listing

Each participant in your study is automatically assigned a random id which is the name of the document (e.g., 57Af2dq105RgzFqqgcZS in the screenshot). Clicking on that document shows its contents which is a structured JSON-like representation of the data from your experiment.

Firebase data record

You can use this web interface to delete data, and also watch as it fills in real-time. This can be helpful to check that things are working and also that the data has the structure you expected.

Recording data ​

The default project template of 🫠 Smile automatically records and saves many relevant data fields including logging if participants agreed to provide informed consent, the current version of the code that the participant is interacting with, etc... However, invariably you will want to record and save the data from your actual experiment design including aspects of the instructions and task or trials that might be custom to your task. It is extremely simple to do this but it is helpful to understand the concepts involved first.

The concept of "state" ​

State refers to one or more variables organized into a collection that captures the moment-by-moment details of your application. The state of your application changes over time as users interact with it (e.g., clicking on buttons), as well as based on network requests that load data and information from other APIs or databases.

As an everyday example, the state of a light switch in your home can be either light=on or light=off. When you take actions (click a button or flick a switch) the state changes. In an electrical circuit this state is implemented as a physical switch that either allows or blocks the flow of current. However, in a web application state is much more complex and might include things like "user is logged in" (logged_in=true or logged_in=false), or even things with values like username (username=linustorvalds or username=thurstonmoore). Each of these states also change based on actions the user of the software takes.

The central question in developing web experiments is managing this state and using the state to display the correct information to the user (e.g., we should show the person a login page if they haven't yet logged in, or otherwise their account information for their username). Although 🫠 Smile is not necessarily a complex web application with login forms, etc... it is sufficiently complex that the code for managing the overall application state is distributed into different modules which generally have different properties.


Local states, global state, and persistance ​

A 🫠 Smile experiment is made up of various components which are controlled programmatically. Each component has what is known as state which is data reflecting the current component. Ideally, state is local to each component allowing for modularity (users of a component don't have to know the internal workings). Example of local state might be "is the participant on page 1, 2, or 3 of the instructions?" Or "what are the values of various form fields?" or "What is the x,y position of the mouse currently?" In most cases these types of values do not need to be globally available all components.

However, there are times where it makes sense for there to be a global state which is shared by all components. You can think of this as a global "whiteboard" that any component can access. This is where you place information that is common to all components and is a natural place to put data from human participants in your study (because data might be generated from several different components over the entire experiment). In 🫠 Smile this global state is known as a store and is managed by the Pinia plugin. Stores are slightly more general than state because while they maintain a global state, they provide methods for manipulating that state as well as additional debugging tools (see Pinia).

A final issue concerns the persistance of state. Some state information (e.g., information local to a component) is "in memory" in the sense that it only exists inside the temporary memory storage of the browser while it is viewing your experiment. If you close the browser window, press reload, navigate to a new page then press back, or the browser unexpectedly crashes, the state is lost. Another name for this type of state information is ephemeral. In contrast we can make some types of state persistant by synchronizing it with various tools for data storage. In 🫠 Smile, we set up a system that persists the global application state in several ways but the most important one is storing data from our participant's behavior in Google Firestore (which is a NoSQL database solution hosted on the Google Cloud). We also make use of state persistance features of the browser such as local storage which is similar to cookies.

A graphical overview of this is provided above. Individual components usually have ephemeral states which capture information that doesn't need to be shared or recorded/persisted. Components in 🫠 Smile can, when necessary, write information into the global store. Other components are able to read this information. In addition, 🫠 Smile's global storage state provides methods for easily persisting values of the state by writing them either to Google Firebase/Firestore or the LocalStorage in the browser.

Writing Data to the Global Store ​

The preferred way to write data to the store is to use the Smile API:

<script setup>
import SmileAPI from '@/core/composables/useAPI'
const api = SmileAPI()

        trialnum: step_index.value,
        word: step.value.word,
        color: step.value.color,
        condition: step.value.condition,
        response: e.key,

The API provides several useful methods for saving data to the store (see the full docs).

An alternative way to write data to the store is to use the smilestore object Writing to the global store is as simple as updating a Javascript object in memory. In any Vue component simple write

<script setup>
import { useSmileStore } from '@/core/stores/smilestore'
const smilestore = useSmileStore()

// sets a new variable called 'something' to 'true' in the global store = true

You can also add custom setter and getter methods for your data type in src/core/stores/smilestore.js. For example, in that file

isConsented: (state) =>

which returns the value of In your component code then you call smilestore.isConsented() to check if the use has agreed to the consent form yet.

Automatically recorded data ​

In addition to data that you manually record 🫠 Smile automatically tracks additional information about the browser state during your experiment. Specifically, it records window resize events, and changes in focus (blur means when someone clicks on a window other than the current browser and focus is an even when the window is brought back to the front). These fields can sometimes be used to detect odd behaviors such as using another window to search for answers or dual-tasking. The data is tracked in in a easy to parse JSON structure.

Automatic saving/persistance ​

You can configure automatic saving whenever a page change happens using the TimelineStepper using env/.env using option VITE_AUTO_SAVE_DATA.


This only works if you use the TimelineStepper to move between pages. If you advance to new pages on your own you need to call api.saveData() manually.

Google Firebase/Firestore ​

Fully explaining Google Firebase/Firestore is beyond the scope of this document but there are many helpful videos and documentation websites:

Limitations ​

One thing to be aware of is that Firebase has some limits on writing to documents. In particular, documents cannot be larger than 1MB. In addition, each write costs some money. Finally, you can only write to a document once per second. To prevent problems with this, the smilestore object has a few configuration options (configured in env/.env).

These include VITE_MAX_WRITES which configures the maximum number of writes allowed for any run of your experiment (meaning a single load of your experiment by a participant). By default, this is set to 1000 and is meant to prevent an accident where your code runs in a loop writing data endlessly. After 1000 writes, subsequent writes will be ignored. Second, there is VITE_MIN_WRITE_INTERVAL which configures how many milliseconds need to pass between writes. By default this is set to 2000 which is roughly double the rate limiting of the Firebase. This works pretty well though with the Automatic Saving described earlier since each step on the timeline typically will take a while (e.g., filling out a form or reading some instructions). However, during testing if you click through things quickly several of your writes might be skipped by this throttling.

Local storage ​

In addition to the persistence of data from the application state in Firebase, Smile makes use of persisted data in the browser as well using a feature known as Local Storage which is similar to "browser cookies". Basically, local storage is a way for a website to write small amounts of data to the users computer and access it at a later time. In 🫠 Smile this is used to track things across page reloads. For example, if a subject reloads the page in the middle of an experiment, we'd like them to pick up where they left off. In addition, that subject needs to "reconnect" to the Firebase database document that they were currently working from. To persist data like this, which is specific to the user, across page reloads or restarts of the browser we sync a few key values with the browser's local storage. The data which is synced to local storage is in smilestore.local (see smilestore.js).

Setting up Google Firestore ​


  • Create a new project
  • Create a web app
  • Enable anonymous login
  • Change the privacy settings

SmileStore API ​


<script setup>
import { useSmileStore } from '@/core/stores/smilestore'
const smileStore = useSmileStore()

createStore ​

This describes this method

  • Arguments

  • Details

Somethign about it

saveData ​

This describes this method

  • Arguments

  • Details

Firebase has several limits on document writing. Documents can't be larger than 1MB. In addition, you can't write to the same document faster than once per second. Since billing is based on writes it also is a bad idea to allow unlimited writes since code can live running in a user's browser for a long time if they do not close the window. As a result, this function has an upper limit on the number of writes allowed. This is configured using VITE_MAX_WRITES. By default, it is 1000 but can be adjusted if you need more writes for your experiment. In addition, the code doesn't allow this method to be called faster than once every two seconds. This is configured using VITE_MIN_WRITE_INTERVAL.

service cloud.firestore {
    match /databases/{database}/documents {
        match /real/{expId} {
            match data/{dataId} {

        match /testing/{expId} {
            match data/{dataId} {


Released under the MIT License.