πͺ Stepping Views β
Many experiments are organized into a series of repeated events called "trials". Trials are different than Views because they often repeat the same basic structure many times. Smile provides several features for organizing and managing trials or other sequenced elements within a View (the Timeline is used to sequence across Views).
Here, we introduce the concept of a "step" and how to programmatically advance through a sequence of steps within a particular View. The same concept is also used to add sequential build to any type of view (e.g., a sequence of instructions, a multi-part form, or an animation).
Create a trial-based View β
To create a trial-based view, you need to import the SmileAPI, define a list of trials and then use the useTrialStepper
method to advance through the trials. Here we walk through the steps.
Import the SmileAPI β
In your <script setup>
section, import the SmileAPI and initialize it. This will give you access to the useTrialStepper
method which will allow you to advance through the trials.
<script setup>
import useAPI from '@/core/composables/useAPI'
const api = useAPI()
Define the trials β
Next, still in <script setup>
, define a list of trials. Each trial is an object with keys that define aspects of what you wish to display on a given trial.
var trials = [
{ word: 'SHIP', color: 'red', condition: 'unrelated' },
{ word: 'MONKEY', color: 'green', condition: 'unrelated' },
{ word: 'ZAMBONI', color: 'blue', condition: 'unrelated' },
{ word: 'RED', color: 'red', condition: 'congruent' },
{ word: 'GREEN', color: 'green', condition: 'congruent' },
{ word: 'BLUE', color: 'blue', condition: 'congruent' },
{ word: 'GREEN', color: 'red', condition: 'incongruent' },
{ word: 'BLUE', color: 'green', condition: 'incongruent' },
{ word: 'RED', color: 'blue', condition: 'incongruent' },
Randomize the trials β
You can then shuffle the trials randomly using
trials = api.shuffle(trials)
Use the useStepper
method β
Next, use the useStepper
method to advance through the trials. This method uses a Vue composable to provide the nextStep
and prevStep
methods to advance and go back through the trials. It also provides a callback function that is called when the last trial is shown. This is where you might do some additional data saving or analysis.
const { nextStep, prevStep, step, step_index } = api.useStepper(trials, () => {
<script setup>
// A Basic Stroop Experiment
// first import from basic functions from Vue
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
// do you need keyboard or mouse for your experiment?
import { onKeyDown } from '@vueuse/core'
import { useMouse } from '@vueuse/core'
// import and initalize smile API
import useAPI from '@/core/composables/useAPI'
const api = useAPI()
// this progress bar is not implemented and a little hard so lets pass for now
//if (route.meta.progress) smilestore.global.progress = route.meta.progress
Next we need to define the trials for the experiment. Create
a list composed of objects where each entry in the list is a trial
and the keys of the object are the variables that define each trial.
For example here we define a stroop experiment and so we mention
the word to display, the color of the word, and the condition of the
trial for later analysis.
var trials = [
{ word: 'SHIP', color: 'red', condition: 'unrelated' },
{ word: 'MONKEY', color: 'green', condition: 'unrelated' },
{ word: 'ZAMBONI', color: 'blue', condition: 'unrelated' },
{ word: 'RED', color: 'red', condition: 'congruent' },
{ word: 'GREEN', color: 'green', condition: 'congruent' },
{ word: 'BLUE', color: 'blue', condition: 'congruent' },
{ word: 'GREEN', color: 'red', condition: 'incongruent' },
{ word: 'BLUE', color: 'green', condition: 'incongruent' },
{ word: 'RED', color: 'blue', condition: 'incongruent' },
// next we shuffle the trials
trials = api.shuffle(trials)
//const index = smilestore.getPage[route.name]
// now we create the trial stepper which will advance through the trials.
// this method includes a callback function that is called when the
// last trial is shown. this might be where you do some additional data saving
// or analysis (e.g., if you are showing the subject performance feedback about
// their performance on the task). it called the finalize() function which is
// defined below
const { nextStep, prevStep, step, step_index } = api.useStepper(trials, () => {
// const trial = computed(() => {
// return trials[api.getCurrentTrial()]
// })
// Handle the key presses for the task
// onKeyDown is a composable from the VueUse package
// it takes a list of keys to list for each time a key
// is pressed runs the provided function.
['r', 'R', 'g', 'G', 'b', 'B'],
(e) => {
if (step_index < trials.length) {
api.debug('pressed ${e}')
if (['r', 'R'].includes(e.key)) {
} else if (['g', 'G'].includes(e.key)) {
} else if (['b', 'B'].includes(e.key)) {
trialnum: api.getCurrentTrial(),
word: step.value.word,
color: step.value.color,
condition: step.value.condition,
response: e.key,
{ dedupe: true }
// load up the trials including any randomization based on the random see
// initialize the state of the component
// set up the call backs that take you through the task
var final_score = ref(0)
function finalize() {
// sort out what data you are putting in the smile store here?
api.debug('finished, so will save data and stuff')
final_score.value = 100 // compute a final score here
function finish() {
// do stuff if you want
<div class="page prevent-select">
<!-- Show this for each trial -->
<div class="strooptrial" v-if="step_index < trials.length">
{{ step_index + 1 }} / {{ trials.length }}
<h1 class="title is-1 is-huge" :class="step.color">{{ step.word }}</h1>
<p id="prompt">Type "R" for Red, "B" for blue, "G" for green.</p>
<!-- Show this when you are done with the trials and offer a button
which will advance to the next route -->
<div class="endoftask" v-else>
<p id="prompt">
Thanks! You are finished with this task and can move on.
<!-- display the final score -->
<p>Your score was {{ final_score }}</p>
<button class="button is-success is-light" id="finish" @click="finish()">
<FAIcon icon="fa-solid fa-arrow-right" />
<style scoped>
/* pick your colors for the stroop design here */
.red {
color: rgb(240, 75, 75);
.blue {
color: rgb(118, 193, 237);
.green {
color: rgb(123, 199, 123);