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Use cases ​

What are the types of web experiment things we are doing as a lab generally? I guess we might want to see if there's a solution that covers some or most of what people wanted. Let’s take a look at some recent papers and proposed projects…

Angela’s attention RL taskπŸ‘nivturkperfect 4 jspsych
Emily’s question askingπŸ‘complex mouse-guided interactions with a battleship grid
Guy’s VRπŸ‘needed unity (also used React)
Pam’s multi-player helping taskπŸ‘?phaser3
Ill’s canadian travelerπŸ‘πŸ‘unity due to modeling MCTS in c#
Anna’s causal learningπŸ‘ungodly, but d3js
Alex rich learning trapsπŸ‘clean d3js code + psiturk
Pam’s categorization(πŸ‘)πŸ‘could have been jspych
David’s long term memoryπŸ‘πŸ‘+returkjspsych for the task returk to email people days later to follow up second part
Pat physics experiments(πŸ‘?)fancy video stuff
Ethan physics stuff(πŸ‘)πŸ‘β˜ΉοΈ trials not randomized!
WaiKeen ARC taskπŸ‘complex code from online
(πŸ‘) means in theory could have used it
πŸ‘? means unsure

Future designs ​

What are the kinds of things we might want to do in the future?

🀩 Undergrad research projectsNeed something easy to teach with
Emily build a game to teachcomplex, dynamic interactions, maybe phaser
Question askingcomplex, dynamic interactions, generalization to new task
Baba is not RLsprite based game would be helped by phaser, or just generally dynamic task
Future helping expsbuild on the phaser multiplayer thing
Intuitive physics (video)video manipulations and ratings of videos
Intuitive physics (sims/interact)some type of in-browser game engine with physics
Human-machine interactionopen ended
Complex 3d interactions (ala Guy)Unity and stuff
Reinforcement learning and languagebasic stuff, jspsych or the like
Future "psychology" exps (memory, decision making)basic stuff, jspsych or the like

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